Why is Telephone Call Recorder Important for Capturing Business Calls - XN520 Series
Telephone call recorder is important for capturing business calls. Business always looks for cost-effective solutions to meet the requirements of the customers. Aegis Informatics Pvt. Ltd. (AIPL) GSM based telephone call recorder voice terminal offers telephone call recording that can be viewed, analyzed, searched and compared to spot the gaps and enhance the performance. While sales and customer satisfaction are the primary parameters of any enterprise to look for, it becomes pivotal for the company to keep a check on these factors from time to time. But it also a predicament for the management to present at every minute and catch the nuance of the conversation.
Here, Aegis Informatics Pvt. Ltd. offers GSM based telephone call recorder with web-based software as an antidote to many hindrances. With this, the manager can find out the strengths and weakness of communication by listening to conversations. As this would improve the efficiency and helps to build the new strategy.
Telephone call recording not only prevents lawsuits but also improve employee’s performance, improve customer service, reduce frauds, resolve disputes, capture missed calls, manage staff, helpful for market assessment, provide detailed call history, and offering effective coaching for teams.

GSM call recording feature has its applications in many sectors such as banking and finance, debt collectors’ agencies, insurance, call centers, travel agencies, and many other enterprises. Besides GSM call recording, AIPL GSM Voice Terminal XN520 TURBO’s tailored solutions like, IVR call routing, voice broadcasting, auto dialer, auto IVR, GVT IVR, conference call, hot dial, welcome message, voice mail facility meets the needs for above-mentioned sectors. Lastly, Aegis Informatics basic belief, interests for brilliance in creating financially savvy, rich with features, and quality guaranteed product updated to the cutting-edge innovation, thrives long haul client relationship.
Connectivity of
Telephone Call Recorder
Find below few diagram connectivity of voice logger, GSM FCT (Fixed Cellular Terminal), Voip Call Recording
- Voice logger connectivity with PBX

- Fixed Cellular Terminal GSM FCT connectivity

- VoIP Call Recording - PBX Recording from trunk side

Telephone Call Recording Benefits
Capture Anything you Missed: The use of recording archives provides both the business and clients a precise record of interactions in the past. This is helpful for product specification, information about the customers, installation instructions and more. The telephone call recording will help to provide the missing detail if the customers forget what specific products they ordered, what customization they wanted or if any other situation calls for more information. Aegis GSM voice terminal has provision of inbuilt call recording feature it allows to record conversations of customer or agent into the SD card automatically which is help to provide recorded data when you needed.
Improve Your Marketing Campaigns: Although our marketing team does not directly connect with our clients. your marketing staff greatly benefit from the opinion shared by your customers. Your marketing and communications team member can listen and review the calls you have with customers that you have recorded and use that information to develop inventive ways and strategies to target the pain points and positive aspects of your ideal customer's behavior in their marketing campaigns. Marketers can attentively listen to call recording to identify the terms that customers are mentioning. This will help them optimize their publications and online ad billing. The creation of effective marketing tools, such as target personas and punch lines for attracting the correct audiences, can be made easier with the use of call recording reviews. The ability to effectively interact with and frame things in a way that will resonate with your primary audience can be enhanced by using calls to adapt your marketing initiatives.
Employees Performance Reviews: Performance reviews are crucial for both the business and the employees. Management can assess employee progress to company standards by listening to the recordings. Employees can listen to their own calls to identify any flaws. You will frequently learn about errors you have made or areas where you need to improve your tone to keep it pleasant when you listen to your own calls. An agent will never be able to hear their own call without a call recording system in place. They will be able to improve as a result, which will assist their score cards. They will be able to receive direction from managers or supervisors as well.
Improve Customer Support Service: customer service, it is most important part to all businesses because customer support department has to directly interacts with clients which is affects the company's image and reputation. every business needs to make sure that their customer support service staff always provide the best customer support to the clients. With the help of telephone call recording, customers service manager or supervisor can listen the calls and collaborate with customer service team to develop their soft skills such as conscious listening, heedfulness, speaking with pleasant attitude, clear communication and more. aegis telephone call recorder allows to monitor employee-customer's interaction and call monitoring feature enables the supervisor to examine the call.
Reduce Liability: Telephone call recording can help to reduce the risk of lawsuits, which is a significant advantage. Although no company want to be sued, it is always possibility. A simple miscommunication can lead to a dispute, and if it is not satisfactorily handled, may result in a contentious legal case.
Although it can be expensive, corporations can defend themselves against these claims. Because of this, installing a call recording system is a smart move. You can lessen your accountability and diffuse the situation by using recorded evidence.
Continuous Improvement : Business calls recording is a highly effective way of taking the temperature of your customer support. You can constantly monitor customer satisfaction levels, recurring issues and strengths and weaknesses of your employees by recording your customers calls. to provide excellent service, hire the best employees. you must use the technique to continuously identify and track the key areas that require development. Using call records may ensure that your improvement efforts, no matter which route you select, have a significant impact on your customer support's performance.